The End of Men by Christina Sweeney-Baird

The year is 2025, and a mysterious virus has broken out in Scotland – a lethal illness that seems to affect only men. When Dr. Amanda MacLean reports this phenomenon, she is dismissed as hysterical. By the time her warning is heeded, it is too late. The virus becomes a global pandemic – and a political one. The victims are all men. The world becomes alien – a women’s world.

I read this book just after going through the pandemic, so premise that seemed a bit far-fetched a couple of years ago seems so much more plausible now.

The plot deals with a virus that is 90% fatal to men and what would become of the world if most men died. Could humanity continue with women filling in roles previously occupied by men? I will say that I had expected an ending where the surviving men “saved the day” and was pleasantly surprised that it was a much different ending.

Purchase your copy of this great book here. (affiliate link)

Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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