Godhunter by Isobel Lynn

Bryony Moss didn’t plan to become a god, but accidents happen, and giving up immortality once you have it is easier said than done. Convinced her life is in danger, she infiltrates the crew of the infamous Black Armada with plans to dispatch their godhunter before she is discovered. But all her plans begin to unravel as soon as she learns the truth. To top it off, she seems to be falling for the flagship’s navigator, a kind but isolated giant named Michael.

Godhunter was a wonderful book. The world was interesting because it feels like it takes place in the past, but it is actually set in the “post-apocalyptic” future after a plaque kills off a large portion of humanity. I liked the character of Bryony but wished the story included more about her back story and her transition into a god. I enjoyed the found family aspect of Bryony’s time on the Black Armada. The chemistry between Bryony and Michael was well written and endearing. A large part of the story is about Bryony as she struggles with her status as a god, her immortality, and the morality of doing away with the godhunter.

The book ties up in a way that doesn’t leave you on a cliffhanger, but with enough open questions that makes you eager for the sequel. The storyline is different and exciting. I loved all the characters. Overall, this is a great first installment in a new series.

Thanks to BookSirens, Isobel Lynn, and Attic Wall Books for providing a complimentary copy of this book in hopes that I will leave my unbiased review. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and the above review is simply my opinion of the book.

Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2

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